This is Forever (audiobook mp3)

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CarolineBecoming a teen mom at sixteen was not what I expected, but then again, neither was being a single parent. Still, I wouldn't change my past because that boy is my world.Hockey is the only thing my son seems to care about, so I work two jobs to make sure he can play. I'd do anything to make sure he doesn't suffer because of the bad decisions his father made. When he won a whole summer of hockey training, I knew in my heart he was going to have an amazing time.What I wasn't prepared for was meeting his new summer coach. He was magnetic, powerful, and a player-in all forms of the word.If my life had taught me anything up to this point, it was how to avoid making bad decisions, and Justin Stone was the definition of a bad decision. I could never be a woman his family approved of-even if I wished I could be.JustinGrowing up as the son of a hockey God is one thing. Growing up as the brother of a second hockey God is another. I had big skates to fill, so it was a good thing I loved every second of it. Summer was my off time, my time to let loose, but when they ask me to coach a hockey camp for underprivileged kids, I couldn't say no.But when she walked in holding a little boy's hand, my heart stopped beating. Or maybe it started for the first time. They were a package deal, and I knew this-wanted it more than I've ever wanted anything. It didn't take long to realize that no matter what happened, I would do anything to protect them. She is the only one I want to be with. When push comes to shove, I have to prove to everyone that this is my choice, and This is Forever.

ID produktu: 1378085295
Tytuł: This is Forever
Autor: Natasha Madison , Madison Mia , Lance Adams
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-04-13
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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