Tami Bear and the Carrot Adventure (audiobook mp3)

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Tami Bear and the Carrot Adventure - a fun, educational and adventurous book with rhymes about healthy eating and benefits from eating veggies, ideal for preschoolers and picky eaters.

The friendly Tami Bear starts his day with exercises and healthy breakfast, which gives him strength and energy for the whole day full of bear adventures.

This time, his friend from kindergarten, Mary, comes to visit him at his bear house. Bear invites her for healthy and crunchy carrots. Unfortunately, Mary refuses, claiming that she doesn't like carrots. Tami Bear can't believe his ears! He decides to help his friend and takes her to his dear friend Hubert, who, like no one else, can convince every vegetable picky eater that eating carrots is a real pleasure!

During the journey, the girl learns that carrots have a significant impact on our body, especially on eyesight, digestive system, growth and immunity.

Books from Eating Well with Tami Bear series:

  • Show how healthy eating and exercises affect our body
  • Teach children how important it is to eat healthy
  • Support parents in changing bad eating habits of their children
  • Educate children about the nutritional value of particular vegetables
  • Care about children’s health from early age
  • Have a significant contribution to the obesity prevention
  • Invite children to the wonderful world of Tami Bear, full of humor, surprising adventures, cheerful rhymes and delicious and healthy dishes

Healthy eating habits start from an early age and last a lifetime!

With this engaging read, help your child to understand how important it is to eat fruits and vegetables!

Book Reviews:

Preschool teacher

"As a teacher for many years, I read many children's books to my students, but it was the "Tami Bear" series that stole my heart. The author, Anna Setlak, takes us to fabulous places in a witty and interesting way. The main character Tami Bear, during his adventures, teaches children empathy, tolerance and, at the same time, passes on important knowledge. The subject is very important: eating vegetables by children. Tami Bear is a friend and role model for children and encourages them to a healthy lifestyle. I highly recommend these valuable and well-written books".
Renata Smolinska

Children’s books author and mother of three wonderful children:

"Books from the Eating Well with Tami Bear series are interesting stories, full of carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and other delicacies. They teach a healthy lifestyle and encourage to reach for fruits and vegetables. After reading it, I immediately felt like eating carrots! I recommend it to all parents, because healthy eating habits are worth building from an early age".
Violeta Pirog

In the Eating well with Tami Bear series you can find the following books:

  • Tami Bear and the Carrot Adventure
  • Tami Bear and the Celery Planet
  • Tami Bear and the Broccoli Maze
  • Tami Bear and the Tomato Mystery
  • Tami Bear and the Cucumber Holidays

This will be the best decision to support your child's health. With Tami Veggies are Yummy!

ID produktu: 1366381415
Tytuł: Tami Bear and the Carrot Adventure
Autor: Anna Setlak
Tłumacz: Piwowarczyk Anna
Lektor: Ross Maggie
Wydawnictwo: eDziadkowie.pl
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-02-15
Rok wydania: 2023
Format: MP3
Liczba urządzeń: bez ograniczeń
Drukowanie: nie dotyczy
Kopiowanie: nie dotyczy
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