Soul Riders (audiobook mp3)

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An international bestselling trilogy of friendship, magic and horses inspired by the massively popular adventure game Star Stable.Lisa Peterson is a teenage girl who is coming to terms with the tragic loss of her mother in a riding accident.Lisa swore she would never ride again, but everything changes when she moves to the island of Jorvik and meets Starshine, a mysterious steed with a blue mane. In the stable, Lisa befriends Alex, Linda, and Anne, and together they start to realize that they all have magical connections with their horses - and each other. But an ancient evil power isthreatening Jorvik, and only bylearning to rely on each other and harnessing their magic, will they be able to fight back against the wicked Mr. Sands and his mysterious Dark Riders.This audio collection contains Jorvik Calling, The Legend Awakens, and Darkness Falling, all three installments in the Star Stable Soul Riders series, winner of the National Parenting Product Award. The collection contains original music from the Star Stable universe.

ID produktu: 1308552688
Tytuł: Soul Riders
Seria: Soul Riders
Autor: Helena Dahlgren
Lektor: Araya Jennifer Jill
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-09-21
Rok wydania: 2021
Format: MP3
średnia 5
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