Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (Album mp3)

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212,99 zł
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3 produkty

Cena zestawu:

Dodatkowy rabat:

Opłać i pobierz
1. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
2. Tonight, Tonight
3. Jellybelly
4. Zero
5. Here Is No Why
6. Bullet With Butterfly Wings
7. To Forgive
8. An Ode to No One
9. Love
10. Cupid De Locke
11. Galapogos
12. Muzzle
13. Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
14. Take Me Down
1. Where Boys Fear to Tread
2. Bodies
3. Thirty-Three
4. In the Arms of Sleep
5. 1979
6. Tales of a Scorched Earth
7. Thru the Eyes of Ruby
8. Stumbleine
9. X.Y.U.
10. We Only Come Out At Night
11. Beautiful
12. Lily (My One and Only)
13. By Starlight
14. Farewell and Goodnight
1. Tonight, Tonight
2. Methusela
3. X.Y.U.
4. Zero
5. Feelium
6. Autumn Nocturne
7. Beautiful
8. Ugly
9. Ascending Guitars
10. By Starlight
11. Medellia of the Gray Skies
12. Lover
13. Thru the Eyes of Ruby
14. In the Arms of Sleep
15. Lily (My One and Only)
16. 1979
17. Glamey Glamey
18. Meladori Magpie
19. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
20. Galapagos
21. To Forgive
1. Bullet With Butterfly Wings
2. Set the Ray to Jerry
3. Thirty-Three
4. Cupid De Locke
5. Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
6. Jellybelly
7. The Aeroplane Flies High (Turns Left, Looks Right)
8. Jupiter's Lament
9. Bagpipes Drone
10. Tonight, Tonight
11. Knuckles
12. Pennies
13. Here Is No Why
14. Blast
15. Towers of Rabble
16. Rotten Apples
17. Fun Time
18. Thru the Eyes of Ruby
19. Chinoise
20. Speed
1. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
2. Galapagos
3. Cherry
4. Love
5. New Waver
6. An Ode to No One
7. Isolation
8. Transformer
9. Dizzle
10. Goodnight
11. Eye
12. Blank
13. Beautiful
14. My Blue Heaven
15. One and Two
16. Zoom
17. Pastichio Medley
18. Marquis In Spades
19. Tales of a Scorched Earth
20. Tonight Reprise
21. Wishing You Were Real
22. Thru the Eyes of Ruby
23. Phang
ID produktu: 1095233825
Tytuł: Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness
Wykonawca: Smashing Pumpkins
Solista: Smashing Pumpkins
Dystrybutor: Universal
Gatunek: Alternative
Data premiery: 2013-07-10
Rok wydania: 2012
Liczba płyt: 5
Format: MP3
Wersja: Deluxe Edition
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