Chasing Daisy (audiobook mp3)

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Escape to the summer and feel the warmth of Sunday Times bestseller Paige Toon's storytelling. Daisy has been dumped, unceremoniously jilted. Not by any ordinary guy, no... Daisy has a secret in her past that she won't even tell her best friend, Holly. She's given up on men – and on her own family. But life still has to be lived and where better to recover than as far away from home as possible. Grabbing a chance to see the world, Daisy packs her bags and joins the team catering to the world's highest-paid, supercharged racing drivers on the Formula 1 Grand Prix circuit. From Brazil to Italy, from Melbourne to Monte Carlo, life passes in a dizzying whirlwind. But nothing – and no one – can stop Daisy from falling again... this time for a man who is prepared to risk his life, and his heart, for the sake of speed, danger and ultimate success.The One We Fell In Love With was selected for the Zoella Book Club and Paige Toon's novels have been published across the world. What people are saying about Paige Toon's novels:  'You'll love it, cry buckets and be uplifted' Marian Keyes 'I blubbed, I laughed and I fell in love... utterly heart-wrenching' Giovanna Fletcher 'Devoured this in one sitting' Cosmopolitan 'An absorbing and emotional read' Heat
ID produktu: 1373694919
Tytuł: Chasing Daisy
Autor: Toon Paige
Lektor: Woodward Jennifer
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-03-22
Rok wydania: 2017
Format: MP3
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