Backlash (audiobook mp3)

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I thought my life was hell until the devil walked through my door.New York Timesbestselling author Geneva Lee delivers with the second book in the Rivals series, an emotional roller coaster thatll leave you begging for more!Sterling Ford isn't the boy who stole my heart anymore. He's cunning, manipulative, and dangerousso why does my body ache for his touch?I thought I could trust him. I should have known better. He's broken my heart twice. Now there's nothing left to break. Because I'm not the girl he fell for or the woman he used. He thought he could play me. He thought he could hurt me. But I'm a survivor, and while I might respond to every stolen kiss, every forbidden moment, there's one piece of me he'll never touch. I sold my soul to protect it, and no one can ever learn the truthnot even Sterling Ford.****I never thought I'd find myself begging for Adair MacLaine's forgiveness. But she belongs to me. She always has and she always will. No matter how hard she tries to rewrite history.It's too late to change who we've become. Maybe nothing can save us now. Maybe nothing ever could. I built my fortune with blood, fueled by lies, and soon my past will catch up with both of us. I can't protect her from the man I've become, and no one can save me from the storm that's comingnot even Adair MacLaine.

ID produktu: 1283399779
Tytuł: Backlash
Autor: Lee Geneva
Lektor: Clarke Oliver, Aquino Jennifer
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-09-25
Rok wydania: 2021
Format: MP3
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