The Menopause Reset (ebook)

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Ditch your menopause symptoms and feel like yourself again!

Are you struggling through your menopausal years? As if from out of nowhere, you experience symptoms such as sleepless nights, irritable moods, unexplained anxiety, trouble retrieving words, and hot flashes. Your weight won’t budge no matter how hard you try. How great would it feel to wake up feeling rested, to have a brain that is calm, joyful, and clear, and to finally lose weight in an easy and sustainable way? The good news is that there is a way for you to do all of this and more.

Nutrition and functional medicine expert and best-selling author Dr. Mindy Pelz has helped thousands of women just like you reset their health during their turbulent menopausal years. Join Dr. Mindy as she reconnects you to your more vibrant and youthful self.

In The Menopause Reset, you will learn:

  •  What hormone changes cause your symptoms, and proven strategies to fix            them
  •  The best way to stop your menopause-related memory loss
  •  How you can put an end to your symptoms without the use of medications
  •  How to unstick your metabolism and finally lose the extra weight
  •  How to slow the aging process and keep yourself forever young

You don't have to suffer through these years. Join Dr. Mindy as she outlines her transformational Menopausal Reset program, which has helped thousands of women get their lives back. Hope is here!

ID produktu: 1312836222
Tytuł: The Menopause Reset
Autor: Dr. Mindy Pelz
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Liczba stron: 136
Data premiery: 2020-12-09
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: EPUB
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Indeks: 55830034
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