Mixed Up Love (audiobook mp3)

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HunterWhen my business partner asked me to do him a favor, I had no idea he was sending me on the blind date his mother had arranged for him.I walked into the bar, saw the woman drinking her third martini, and knew I was in for an eventful night.After an unexpected second date, she didn't know my real name or who I really was. By that time, the lie was too far gone, and I wanted her too much to admit the truth.LaneyIt's not every day you find out your ex-boyfriend is engaged. I shouldn't have agreed to the blind date, but I wasn't in any position to turn down a night out when my mother insisted. And I'll admit, I definitely shouldn't have ordered that fourth martini before said blind date even arrived. But the man turned out to be swoon-worthy, handsome, condescending-a perfect distraction. Then I found out he was a liar. I've never been in over my head to this degree. Then again, I've never been mixed up in love.
ID produktu: 1375363961
Tytuł: Mixed Up Love
Autor: Natasha Madison , Lucas Ava , Connor Crais
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-03-30
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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