Massenet: Manon (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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1. Massenet: Manon Ballet - Arranged and orchestrated by Leighton Lucas with the collaboration of Hilda Gaunt / Act 1 - Scene 1 - The Courtyard of an Inn near Paris
2. Massenet: Manon Ballet - Arranged and orchestrated by Leighton Lucas with the collaboration of Hilda Gaunt / Act 1 - Scene 2 - Des Grieux's lodgings in Paris
3. Massenet: Manon Ballet - Arranged and orchestrated by Leighton Lucas with the collaboration of Hilda Gaunt / Act 2 - Scene 1 - A Party at the Hotel particulier of Madame
1. Massenet: Manon Ballet - Arranged and orchestrated by Leighton Lucas with the collaboration of Hilda Gaunt / Act 2 - Scene 1 - Conclusion
2. Massenet: Manon Ballet - Arranged and orchestrated by Leighton Lucas with the collaboration of Hilda Gaunt / Act 2 - Scene 2 - Des Grieux's lodgings
3. Massenet: Manon Ballet - Arranged and orchestrated by Leighton Lucas with the collaboration of Hilda Gaunt / Act 3 - Scene 1 - The Port of New Orleans
4. Massenet: Manon Ballet - Arranged and orchestrated by Leighton Lucas with the collaboration of Hilda Gaunt / Act 3 - Scene 2 - The Goaler's rooms in New Orleans
5. Massenet: Manon Ballet - Arranged and orchestrated by Leighton Lucas with the collaboration of Hilda Gaunt / Act 3 - Scene 3 - A Swamp in Louisiana
ID produktu: 1086720426
Tytuł: Massenet: Manon
Wykonawca: Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Richard Bonynge
Solista: Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Richard Bonynge
Dyrygent: Richard Bonynge
Dystrybutor: Universal
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2016-02-19
Rok wydania: 1987
Liczba płyt: 2
Format: MP3
Indeks: 24269377
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