Homeland and Other Stories (audiobook mp3)

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New York Times bestselling author Barbara Kingsolver delivers a collection of 12 original tales in Homeland and Other Stories that are every bit as emotionally resonant, humorous, and heartfelt as her much-beloved novels.In settings ranging from eastern Kentucky to northern California and the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, Barbara Kingsolver uses her distinctive voice and vast knowledge of human nature to address some of her favorite themes: the importance of personal and cultural heritage; how the past effects the present and the enduring power of love. Kingsolvers characters, many single mothers, struggle to make sense of their lives and find meaning in a difficult world.Praised for her memorable characters and poetic prose, Kingsolver again proves why she is a literary force to be reckoned with.This edition includes a P.S. section with additional insights from the author, background material, suggestions for further reading, and more.
ID produktu: 1273031681
Tytuł: Homeland and Other Stories
Autor: Kingsolver Barbara
Lektor: Kingsolver Barbara
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2005
Format: MP3
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