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Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard star in this romantic thriller directed by Robert Zemeckis. Set during World War Two, the film follows Max Vatan (Pitt), a French-Canadian spy who meets fellow agent Marianne Beausejour (Cotillard) while on a dangerous mission behind enemy lines in Casablanca. Tasked with killing a Nazi official, the pair pose as lovers in order to gain access to their target. After developing genuine feelings for each other while working together, Max and Marianne reunite in London where they decide to get married and start a family of their own. However, not long after settling into their new life, a shocking development reveals one of them to be a double agent and leaves the other facing some very difficult decisions.
ID produktu: 1229743686
Tytuł: Allied
Reżyser: Zemeckis Robert
Obsada: Cotillard Marion , Atkins Lasco , Pitt Brad , Harris Jared , Goode Matthew , Hope Charlotte , Caplan Lizzy , Matthewson Jason , Cassidy Raffey , Bailey Marion
Producent: Paramount Home Entertainment
Dystrybutor: Paramount Home Entertainment
Data premiery: 2017-01-03
Region Blu-Ray: A, B, C
Czas trwania (min.): 124
Lektor: tak
Lektor języki: angielski
Polski dubbing: nie
Napisy: arabskie, kantońskie, mandaryńskie, mandaryńskie, czeskie, duńskie, holenderskie, fińskie, francuskie, niemieckie, greckie, hebrajskie, hindi, węgierskie, islandzkie, włoskie, japońskie, koreańskie, norweskie, polskie, portugalskie, rumuńskie, słowackie, hiszpańskie, szwedzkie, tajskie, tureckie, duńskie, holenderskie, fińskie, francuskie, norweskie, hiszpańskie, szwedzkie, niemieckie, włoskie, japońskie
Nośnik: Blu-ray Disc
Indeks: 54153608
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