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Triple bill of war classics. 'A Bridge Too Far' (1977) is Richard Attenborough's star-studded account of the failed 1944 Arnheim assault. Dirk Bogarde, James Caan, Robert Redford and Sean Connery are among those battling against insurmountable odds - foul weather, bad luck, negligence on the part of intelligence officers - to secure one of the bridges essential to the Allied advance into Germany. Gene Hackman, Michael Caine and Anthony Hopkins also star. 'The Great Escape' (1963) is set during World War Two. A collection of hardened Allied prisoners are kept in an 'escape-proof' German camp. Led by the 'Big X' (Richard Attenborough), the men formulate a plan for a mass breakout, digging three tunnels - Tom, Dick and Harry. The team behind the escape includes a near-blind forger of passports (Donald Pleasance), a claustrophobic tunnel-digger (Charles Bronson) and the independent American 'Cooler King' (Steve McQueen). With men like that on their side, how can they fail? Guy Hamilton's classic war film 'Battle of Britain' (1969) looks at how England defended itself from the German aerial onslaught of the summer of 1940. Laurence Olivier plays Sir Hugh Dowding, the air chief marshal whose fleet outmanouevre the Luftwaffe, despite a numerical disadvantage; and those few to whom so many owed so much are portrayed by an all-star cast including Michael Caine, Kenneth More and Ralph Richardson. Despite its pro-British slant, the authenticity of the film's impressive flying sequences was guaranteed by the technical advice of Adolf Galland, one of the Nazi's most celebrated World War 2 pilots.
ID produktu: 1229671459
Tytuł: A Bridge Too Far/The Great Escape/Battle of Britain (brak polskiej wersji językowej)
Reżyser: Sturges John , Hamilton Guy , Attenborough Richard
Obsada: McShane Ian , McQueen Steve , Garner James , Pleasence Donald , McCallum David , Coburn James , Attenborough Richard , Bronson Charles , Donald James , Jackson Gordon , Leyton John , Stock Nigel , Russell William , Adams Tom , Shaw Robert , York Susannah , Plummer Christopher , More Kenneth , Howard Trevor , Richardson Ralph , Jurgens Curd , Redgrave Michael , Caan James , Fox Edward , Caine Michael , Connery Sean , Krüger Hardy , O'Neal Ryan , Redford Robert , Ullmann Liv , Gould Elliott , Hackman Gene , Hopkins Anthony , Olivier Laurence , Schell Maximilian , Chitty Erik , Bogarde Dirk
Producent: 20th Century Fox Home Ent.
Dystrybutor: 20th Century Fox Home Ent.
Data premiery: 2013-01-02
Region Blu-Ray: B
Czas trwania (min.): 408
Lektor: tak
Lektor języki: angielski
Napisy: holenderskie, niemieckie, włoskie, holenderskie, fińskie, fińskie, włoskie, norweskie, hiszpańskie, szwedzkie
Nośnik: Blu-ray Disc
Indeks: 34365960
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